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Stories of the Saints Conference

Past and present members of the ‘Cult of Saints in Wales’ and ‘Vitae Sanctorum Cambriae’ project and advisory panels met in Aberystwyth for the ‘Stories of the Saints’ conference at the National Library of Wales on 3 June 2017. Speakers addressed the Latin and Welsh Lives of David; the Welsh Lives of Martin and Collen;…

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Stories of the Saints at the National Library of Wales

‘The Cult of Saints in Wales’ research project at the University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth, has been engaged in the editing and translating of medieval Welsh saints’ Lives, poetry addressed to the saints, and saintly genealogies. As this project draws to a close, an exhibition of medieval and early…

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Vitae Sanctorum Cambriae: The Latin Lives of the Welsh Saints

The funding for the current ‘Cult of Saints in Wales’ project will come to an end in March 2017, and we are currently completing work on the online editions and exhibition at the National Library of Wales. However, we are delighted to report that new work on saints lives in Wales will continue as the…